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It can be all too easy to let your outdoor space fall to disarray, especially if you’re living somewhere (like the Seacoast area) that is cold and snowy for a better part of the year. It can seem like a lot of work to clear the debris that may have accumulated and get your patio looking cozy and inviting, but it doesn’t need to be! Haul out your patio set – we’re going to be covering the top six essentials you need to get it back in shape.
Setting the mood with the right lighting is often key with a patio set up. If you have nearby trees or a pergola, stringing up some lights should be relatively easy. We recommend something that will make a statement, like these globe-inspired exposed bulbs. Otherwise, consider tiki torches, solar powered landscape lights, or DIY-ing large planters with poles cemented to the bottom.
It’s amazing what a difference greenery and flowers can do for a space. There are a ton of options when it comes to greenery, including planters, hanging plants, trees or privacy bushes, a vegetable garden… the list goes on. We recommend options that are both beautiful and practical – fast growing privacy hedges can be a great investment if you live near other homes. Planting a garden will diversify your space and you’ll get fresh veggies and herbs. Perennials are a great option so you can have flowers that come back year after year. If you have only a small space, potted flowers might be easiest to maintain and rearrange as needed. We recommend heading to your local greenhouse and thinking about what will work best for you and your patio.
We love outdoor rugs because they’re an amazing way to decorate and add your own personal touch to an outdoor patio without actually taking up any valuable space. A pop of color or interesting pattern can add a lot of personality. This palm leaf rug is perfect, and the neutral tones will match any accent colors you decide to incorporate elsewhere.
While pillows can be great pieces to add style to your patio set up, ultimately this should be all about comfort. If your couches and chairs aren’t comfortable, you just won’t use them as much. If your outdoor furniture didn’t come with cushions, we highly suggest investing in some. Otherwise, throw pillows can further boost the comfort level of your patio, and this set comes in several fun patterns.
Even if your patio set already includes a coffee or bistro table, smaller side tables are still perfect for holding drinks or decor. This one is the perfect inexpensive option and can fold away during the winter months. If you want something a little more stylish, this concrete and wooden side table is modern and simple.
The last thing you need to elevate your outdoor space are functional decor items that will really bring it to the next level. This could includes trays, bug repelling candles, privacy shades, and extra storage in the form of crates, carts, or shelves. This will all be highly individual and depend on exactly what your space needs.
These six essentials will spruce up your patio set and make it the perfect spot for lounging all summer.
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